Through education and guidance, Dr. Jim D. Nored and Dr. Hale McDaniel have helped restore the overall well-being of numerous patients. If you are open to improving your health and wellness through dentistry, let Crosby Dental Center be your go-to source. When striving to achieve health and wellness in Crosby, Texas, we may concentrate on some of the following:

Dr. Nored believes that poor nutrition can weaken your immune system as well as damage dental conditions. He advises patients that diet and exercise will improve overall health and affect physical balance. We also believe in minimizing the use of toxic materials and instead believe in making dentistry as natural as possible. We further emphasize the importance of spiritual balance as a way to improve overall health. When treating patients, we provide the utmost in personal, professional care, and we do our best to heal you mind, body and spirit.

We are more than happy to share our knowledge about health and wellness with you. Please give us a call at 281-328-3569 to schedule a preventative appointment with our caring dentists today! Our dental team looks forward to helping you achieve enhanced physical, mental and spiritual health with the help of our services!